Vincent Laforet has been teasing us recently about a new piece of gear that he describes as a “gamechanger”. Today he has revealed on his blog that it is a new digital 3-axis gyro-stabilized handheld camera gimbal which weighs under 4 pounds, costs $15,000 and doesnt have many of the challenges associated with traditional stedicam systems. The video showing it in use is quite compelling. I hope to be able to see it at NAB next week – the company that makes it, Freefly Systems, will be at booth #C9848.
Here is a video that shows the device:
Here is a video Vincent directed showing it in use:
MōVI from Vincent Laforet on Vimeo.
This short was shot with the The "MōVI" – a digital 3-axis gyro-stabilized handheld camera gimbal. The completely silent device weighs under 3.5 pounds bare and can be operated solo, or with the help of a second "gimbal" operator with a joystick to pull off some incredible moves. To read more about it go to: The BTS Video is at:
To download extra features go to:
All proceeds from the "Tip Jar" and Vimeo on Demand will benefit the Lollipop theater network – a nonprofit organization that arranges showings of first-run movies to children confined to hospitals.
This short was shot ENTIRELY handheld with the MōVI, a Canon EOS 1DC (at 4K) and a Canon 24mm 1.3 Cine Prime (and a Zeiss 18mm CP.2 for the aerial shots.)